Are you getting ready to move out on your own for the first time and trying to find the perfect place? Have you considered the numerous benefits of a studio apartment? If you haven’t, then you definitely should. Most people think they have to have a house or a larger apartment to live comfortably but today’s article will put that fallacy to bed.
When searching for studio apartments for rent, you will find a number of different styles and options available to suit nearly any preference. To give you a basic idea, most studios are 500-600 square feet, that’s 100-200 square feet bigger than most hotel rooms. Now that you are familiar with the size, let’s look at just some of the advantages they offer:
They Are Less Expensive Than Larger Apartments or Houses

While it might seem obvious that studio apartments for rent would be less expensive than larger housing options, it’s not just the monthly investment that is smaller. Because of the reduced size, you will also save money on cooling costs in the summer and heating costs in the winter. It is also cheaper to clean if you prefer a maid service.
They Require Fewer Furnishings
Since you don’t need a full living room suite consisting of a couch, loveseat, and a couple of recliners, you not only save yourself the expense but also the hassle of moving in or out. And just because there is less room doesn’t mean your new apartment has to feel small. There are several ways studios create the illusions of more space, including:
- Built-in bookcases
- Half walls
- High ceilings
- More or taller windows
You’ll Acquire Less Clutter

Sometimes more space isn’t necessarily a good thing. For pack rats, it can lead to accumulating a bunch of junk that will just have to get thrown out eventually, anyway. When you have less free area to fill, it makes you more particular about what you bring home.
It Is More Environmentally Friendly
Because studio apartments for rent take up less square footage, you make less of an environmental impact. You consume less energy (as previously mentioned), fewer materials and maintenance go into your space, and you save on water as well.
It Will Encourage You to Get out More

Smaller spaces help motivate us to get out more, especially when it comes to socializing with friends. When we live in larger spaces, all too often we pick our favorite spot in the house and do our own thing.
And with all the time we spend on devices, wouldn’t it be healthy to spend a little more time with friends and family?
There Are a Lot of Studio Apartments for Rent Available
Regardless of whether you ultimately choose to go with a studio or not, remember one thing; you will never be able to look at them all. So, the best thing to do is make a list of what the most important features are for you (location, parking, lighting, décor, etc.) and focus on the ones that offer them.