Infidelity in a relationship is poisonous and can destroy your mental peace. Such a relationship needs consideration at the earliest for a better future. Look for the following physical signs your wife is cheating:
She Goes Shopping A Lot
Is your wife a shopaholic and sometimes takes a lot of time to shop If your wife doesn’t take you along for shopping and makes excuses, then you should know the reason behind such behavior. It is a physical sign your wife is cheating.
She Is Cold To You
If your wife does not speak to you properly and is not comfortable while sharing her thoughts with you, then there is a probability that she might be keeping away. This cold behavior can ruin a relationship and indicates a proof sign your wife is cheating.
Says No When You Want Sex

Does your wife make excuses when you ask her about Sex? Also, she says NO most of the time. It indicates she is uncomfortable in your company, and it is better to discuss the issue. Such reasons are surefire signs our wife is cheating.
Irritated With You
Do you feel your wife is irritated with you and your actions? Whenever you initiate a conversation she shouts at you for no reason? Does your little act every day makes her feel frustrated? If yes, then you need to consult and sort out your marriage. It is also a possible sign she’s cheating.
Constantly Secluded
There might be times when you feel that your wife is secluded from you. Maybe she wants to keep her life a bit private. It indicates infidelity. According to Irina Fierstein, LCSW, individual and couples’ therapist, “everyone has a breaking point, and if needs are not met fine, it leads to infidelity.”
Works Harder Than Usual
Most of the time, if women are uncomfortable in a relationship, they try to keep themselves busy to avoid conversations. If your wife is working harder than usual and ignores discussing anything with you, it probably indicates that she is unhappy in a discussion. Working harder for no good reason is merely an excuse to skip out of the relationship.
Spending Her Whole Life On The Phone
Women talks a lot on phone. Do you feel your wife is on the phone all the time discussing her personal life with somebody else except you? It may indicate she is cheating on you and does not want you to be involved in her life’s small issues.
Does Not Notice You

Do you seek your wife’s attention? A compliment in a relationship is very important. Do you often feel that you are ignored by your wife and she doesn’t notice you whenever you walk around or do small gestures? If yes, it is time to give a second thought to your marriage.
She Does Everything By Herself Or Says She Does Everything By Herself
Whenever you find that your wife does everything herself and does not even ask you for help or support, it can be a start of a big problem. Maybe she is taking somebody else’s advice and does not even recognize your small efforts. These things should be discussed on a personal basis without somebody else’s interference.
Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and human development at California State University suggests that both partners need to work on a relationship equally, and it is only partners who can break a relationship but no one else.
Goes To Parties Without You
If your wife does not take you along to parties, it means she is not comfortable in your company. Maybe she is comfortable with someone else and is cheating on you. It also means both of you are living together for a sake of it. Having different social lives in a relationship is not a good cue. It is also a proof sign that your partner is cheating on you.
Spends A Lot
A couple should always discuss their expenses. If you feel that your wife spends a lot without discussing it with you, she is going through something else in her life. Maybe she’s spending on somebody special and does not want you to know about it.
Her Appearance Has Changed Beyond Recognition

If you feel your wife is changing her appearance without even seeking your opinions, she is cheating on you. Going to a boutique, spending on new clothes, taking care of her skin like never before, and going out for fitness regimes are some indications of infidelity in a relationship. If she has no guilt about not keeping you in the loop, then there is something more serious in this relationship.
She Is Bored With You And Tells You To Your Face
The relationship cannot be more poisonous if your wife tells you that she is bored of you and admits that on your face. This means she is looking for a better life with somebody outside of this relationship. Maybe this is the time to discuss the problems with her, and if nothing gets sorted then separate for a happier future. Maybe she is dating a co-worker and wants to step out of you.